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What is 988

Dec 18

What is 988?


Going through a mental health crisis is hard on your own. Luckily, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline has made getting help easier by implementing the new 988 Lifeline. The new number helps callers experiencing problems with mental health or substance abuse, as well as those close to them. 

What is the 988 Number?

The 988 hotline is a new number those needing immediate mental health services can call. The hotline is a direct line for people suffering from mental health issues to speak with a counselor. The counselors who callers will speak to are specifically trained in mental health assistance. The hotline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The counselors at the program are always available for those seeking assistance. They are located as close as possible to the caller in order to assist them in finding local help. These mental health counselors have experience in providing the assistance needed to talk callers through the issues they are experiencing. They also help callers find other channels of assistance that they can follow up with after their call to the hotline.

The National Suicide Prevention Hotline was originally created in 2005 by the United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Now, calling or texting 988 will provide the same service under the 988 number, which is shorter and much easier to remember. 

While the service has been around for almost 20 years and has provided a huge amount of help to those who need it, the new number should make receiving services much easier. The shorter number was created to prevent instances of suicide and suicide attempts by those experiencing mental health crises and to provide those who need help with avenues local to them that will provide that help. In addition, with an easier-to-remember number, callers should have a simplified process in finding access to the proper help.

Why the New Number?

Many people wonder why the new number is necessary. The main reason for the new number is that it is much shorter and easier to remember. The previous number for the National Suicide hotline was a 1-800 number, which can be difficult to recall in instances of distress. The new number should make getting help for those in need much simpler. Like 911, the number is simple to remember, even during emergencies. Access to the proper support during times of mental health crisis is vital for getting help, and the 988 hotline should make things much easier. 

Does the Old Hotline Still Work?

The old National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number is 1-800-273-8255. For those who already know the number, it will remain open to receive calls. For callers who may think of the old number first in instances of mental health emergencies, the lifeline will remain open. The number will remain available to callers for the foreseeable future. This is because no one who wants to find assistance should be turned away or left without help simply because the number has changed. The old number will provide callers with the same services they will find with the new 988 number. 

Who Should Call 988?

There are many different reasons someone may need to call the 988 hotline. The hotline is available to anyone in the United States. Any person who needs mental health assistance can call the hotline. Those who find themselves experiencing a mental health crisis can also call the 988 hotline. Those who wish to reach out to the hotline do not need to be at immediate risk of suicide. Experiencing anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns is reason enough to call the hotline and receive help. 

The person suffering from mental health issues does not need to be the one to call. Individuals who are with someone who is suffering from mental health issues can also utilize the hotline’s services. They can find professional substance abuse treatment or mental health services for their loved ones to help them overcome their struggles with mental health.

The 988 number is also a great resource for those who need help with substance abuse issues. Counselors will be able to connect callers with the assistance they need to get help for substance abuse like drug or alcohol addiction. 

What Happens When You Call 988?

When contacting 988, callers will first hear an automated message greeting them while they are routed to a local Lifeline crisis center. There are over 200 Lifeline crisis centers throughout the United States, and callers are put in contact with the center closest to them based on the area code they call from. After the call is connected, a trained counselor will come on the line. Their job is to listen to the issues the caller is experiencing. Counselors will do their best to understand how the problems the caller brings up are affecting them. They will then provide support to the caller and connect them with other helpful resources when necessary. 

The hotline may sometimes be busy, and counselors at a local Lifeline center will be unable to answer the call, in which case it will be rerouted to a national backup crisis center. 

Speaking English is not a requirement when contacting the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. The Lifeline services utilize Language Line Solutions in order to provide services to callers in over 250 languages. 

The Lifeline service also has a text option for those who do not wish to call. The service works much the same as the call option. Texters will be put in contact with a group of mental health counselors who will listen to their issues, provide assistance, and share resources when needed. 

What About 911 and Law Enforcement?

The purpose of the 988 number is to provide mental health assistance to individuals who need it, much like 911 services in the instance of an emergency. The difference is that the 988 Lifeline provides access to mental health crisis counselors, while 911 focuses on dispatching EMS, firefighters, and police in situations where they are needed. The two services are coordinated with one another in case of instances where callers may need to be referred to emergency services on a case-by-case basis. For example, a small number of Lifeline calls need to be referred to the 911 system when a person’s life is in immediate danger, and that danger cannot be reduced during the Lifeline call. In instances such as these, the caller’s pertinent information will be shared with emergency services in an effort to save the caller’s life. 

Many callers worry about the likelihood of law enforcement or first responders being contacted and the potential for hospitalization of callers. The goal of Lifeline is to provide assistance to callers in the least restrictive way possible, with the vast majority of calls not requiring the assistance of law enforcement or the hospitalization of callers. 

Getting Help is Important

Those who are dealing with mental health issues are often unsure where to turn. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is designed to be an avenue for those who have mental health or substance abuse issues to find help. The Lifeline is live 24 hours a day in an effort to help those who need it and the people who love them.