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Learn How To Make Your Asthma More Tolerable!

Jun 19

Learn How To Make Your Asthma More Tolerable!

Nowadays, the need for effective treatment of asthma is on the rise. This need has produced a variety of different asthma treatments. It's now the time to discover what works for you as you battle asthma. You can find excellent information to help you in this article.

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An ounce of prevention goes a long way in battling asthma. Asthma is a defense mechanism in your body, make sure that your body doesn't trigger this process so you can avoid acute asthma attacks. Your doctor can help you determine which maintenance medicines will be best for your type of asthma.


To keep your asthma under control, you should only use non-aspirin pain relievers. Both Aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and aleve can irritate the lungs and worsen the effects of your asthma over time. Tylenol has no negative effects on asthma users, and can be taken regularly without issue.


Limit contact with animals, especially long-haired indoor/outdoor pets. Many people with asthma also suffer from diagnosed or undiagnosed animal hair allergies. Even if you aren't allergic to animal fur or dander, long-haired animals that spend time outdoors will track in dirt and dust that can trigger an asthma attack or otherwise exacerbate asthma symptoms.


If you find yourself using your emergency inhalers more than two times a week, you might want to consider changing asthma medication. Certain medications work better or worse for different people, so you shouldn't just stick with the first one you try. If you feel that your symptoms aren't getting better, ask your doctor about trying another medication.


Keep dust and other particles out of the air in your home. This will not only reduce acute asthma attacks, but also help you breathe easier. In addition to dusting on a regular basis, you can also buy an air filter, which continuously sucks dust particles out of the air.


Don't assume that you are doomed to spend your life as an invalid due to your asthma. There are athletes at the highest levels who suffer from this disease. You simply need to know and avoid your triggers, use caution in your exercising, and take your medications regularly as prescribed. Having a poor attitude can actually make your symptoms worse.


Have your inhaler technique checked. Many people use their inhaler improperly. If you aren't using your inhaler correctly, you may not be receiving the correct dosage of medication, which means that it won't work as effectively for you. Any medical practitioner with experience in asthma treatment should be able to critique your inhaler technique.


Is it time for a new asthma medication? It is possible you need to try a new medication if you need to use your quick-relief inhaler anymore than twice a week. Also, if you need to refill your inhaler more than twice a year, or you wake up at night with asthma symptoms more than twice a week you also need to look into a change.


As mentioned in this article, there are many different techniques and methods for those with asthma. Look for a treatment adapted to your situation. Always make sure to research every method further to see what else it entails, and how you can benefit from implementing it. Using these tips will have breathing better than you have in a long time.