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The Recovery of Dental Implants Facts

May 12

Dental implant surgery from a Dentist in Duncan, SC, is a fantastic investment. The main reason for this is that our teeth play several crucial roles in our daily lives, the two most important of which are chewing and smiling. While this technique is intrusive, it is not particularly risky. The recovery time for this treatment, however, could be several weeks. Depending on the number of implants, surgical complications, and your existing health status, your recovery period may vary.


What should you expect following a dental implant procedure?

Pain, swelling, and bruising are frequent side effects after dental implant surgery. Even after a fully normal implant procedure, you may suffer moderate bleeding in the first 24 hours. It's also possible that you'll find it difficult to open your mouth. These side effects are all normal and are nothing to be concerned about.


In the first few days following your surgery, you'll likely be directed to stick to a soft foods diet. This is important because it allows your incisions to heal properly. You should avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky foods as they could cause damage to your new implants.


Over-the-counter pain medication can be used to manage any discomfort you experience after your surgery. If your pain is severe, your dentist may prescribe a stronger painkiller. It's also common to feel some numbness in your gums and lips following dental implant surgery. This is usually due to the anesthesia and should dissipate within a few hours.


Most people report that recovery from dental implant surgery is fairly easy. There are, however, a few things you can do to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery. First, be sure to follow all of your dentist's post-operative instructions. These will usually include things like taking it easy for the first few days and using ice packs to reduce swelling. Additionally, be sure to eat a healthy diet and avoid smoking. Smoking can delay the healing process and increase the risk of complications.


If you take care of yourself and follow your dentist's instructions, dental implant surgery can be an easy and successful way to improve your smile. For more information about this procedure or to schedule a consultation, contact our office today. We would be happy to answer any of your questions.


How long does it take to recover?

As previously said, the time it takes for you to recuperate after a dental implant operation varies greatly depending on a number of factors. These factors include the number of implants you received, any issues that occurred during surgery, and your current health.

The amount of implants you have determines how long you have to recover after the treatment. More implants equal more surgical sites, longer trauma, and more healing time for your gums.

During dental implant surgery, a bone graft may be required. When your jaw isn't strong enough to withstand the added stress of an implant, you'll need a bone graft. Bone grafts typically take several weeks to mature to an acceptable level. It can take months for the pain and edema associated with bone grafts to subside.

Surgical difficulties might lengthen your recuperation time as well as the time it takes to do the treatment in the first place.


Other Ways To Speed Up Recovery

It takes weeks for the symptoms of dental implant surgery to go away. However, you can speed up your recuperation by using the following techniques:

Brush with care — don't brush for the first few days. To avoid infections, rinse your mouth with warm saline water every few hours. To avoid damage to the implant site, brush gently and only with soft bristle toothbrushes afterward.

Soft meals and beverages - After surgery, you should only eat soft foods and drink plenty of water. Hard foods, such as nuts, should be avoided. Some good choices include potatoes, yogurt, oats, and protein drinks.

Antiseptic mouthwash - following surgery, antiseptic mouthwash can help avoid infections.

At Keels Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we understand that the thought of dental surgery can be daunting. However, with the right preparation and care, the recovery process can be much easier than you think. Call us today!

