All About Vermont Daily News

Quick Introduction to cars

Feb 27

Karl Friedrich Benz biggest achievement was his creation of the first commercial vehicle made which allowed people to start moving away from horses to transport them around the country and also help get rid of the big problem of the past in London of Horse poop being a very big problem of the past over so many people needing horses to get around London meaning keeping the city clean was a nightmare for anyone living there. The invention of the car allowed people to not have to deal with the horse waste left by the animals for why cars became popular quite quickly.


The creation was patented in the year 1886 and introduced to the general population at the International Exposition in Frankfurt Germany in 1891 allowing people to see the vehicle first hand and build up the popularity of the automobile early on.




The original “Benz Patent Motorwagen” had an engine capacity of just 1,200 cc and ran at speeds of up to 15 km/h but it revolutionized how we were able to move ourselves all around the place by us not having to rely on using animals to transport us around the local area or getting shopping easier by just using  transport  vehicle to allow moving when we want instead of having to  train a horse to get us around.

This is where I am going wrong as I should be looking at the two main figures that created this revolution instead of who came last in the race to invent it. But this is where the real story lies and is very interesting. So let us look at the two men that started out together and went separate ways before they would end up coming back together once again and creating something much more successful than either thought they were ever going to create.